Favorite Games of My Adulthood: Fallout 3

Side note: I'm really sorry it took so long for me to get this out. I'm lazy; sorry not sorry.

Bethesda has continuously been a great company in the gaming biz. They've brought us treasure troves like Skyrim, RAGE, and Dishonored but I know deep in my heart that the best creation Bethesda has is obviously Fallout 3. Now there will be people who are going to stomp their feet and yell because of how fantastic and "revolutionary" the Skyrim series has been, but I didn't get into the Elder Scrolls as much as I did Fallout. This brings my count of top five to my number four and here is exactly why this game earned it's spot in my heart.

Number 4: Fallout 3
Fallout - America's first choice in Post Nuclear Simulation. 

Fallout has been on everyone's radar since it was first released. I know I've heard Emalie go on and on about New Vegas when she first started playing it, and not to mention the following the franchise has as a whole. I played through the first two Fallouts and enjoyed them in general but I didn't enjoy them half as much as I did 3. Something about Fallout 3 just resinated with me. Be it the initial game play, the story line, or the love I have for decision based games, it really made a mark on me. Even to this day, I can still go back and play the game over and over, it never really gets old for me.

It's nothing I can really explain, it could be that I chose to play as a girl and the plot line follows as a daddy's girl, so in a way I felt I related and I just kind of lived out the life of my character in full effect. It could also be that this game is just ridiculously fun and a lot unlike games out there. It's really not your typical first person shooter. Since it is a Bethesda production, of course it has a lot of similar gameplay styling to Skyrim but is on a completely different level. In the process of customizing your character, you have dozens of options to completely shape the player and make it your own reality. Bethesda really goes into detail with their games to completely immerse you into this land that you want to make your own.

You, of course, have a lot of decision based aspects in the game and some of the choices in this game can really test the limits that you're willing to go to be reunited with your father. In most decision games, I always choose to be the good guy, at first, but after playing through the game a few times, I realized that playing the bad guy is a lot more fun, but mostly if you just want to get in constant shoot out battles which is always a good time. Not to mention that there are so many side-quests way beyond the plot to keep you going off gameplay for so long! Just what you'd expect from the brethren of Skyrim. Along those same lines, you can choose to upgrade certain skills about yourself such as speech, pick pocketing or thieving skills, explosives buff, all kinds of stuff. Again with the making your character exactly how you want them to be, there is endless customization to this game.

So, all in all, Fallout 3 was and still is one of my favorites. I don't think there will ever be a time that I don't want to go back and save Vault 101. The same goes for the rest of the games in my top favorites, it just nestled its way into my coveted top 5 and won't be moving out anytime soon.

Bioshock Infinite: Would You Kindly Make A Second One? (SPOILERS)

As everyone pretty much knows, Bioshock is my favorite game franchise ever. This game has made me feel things for a video game, that I've never gotten before. Because of Bioshock, I literally strive everyday to try and become a somebody in the gaming world. Bioshock gave me the heart to actually want to go into the male-dominating world of video game creation and stand tall with the women that are already completely and totally successful in that field, so yes, you can say this will be a completely positive review on Irrational Games' new baby, and my new love, 'Bioshock Infinite'.

Irrational Games was, at first, the bane of my existence back in October. After the long awaited launch of Bioshock, I had been sitting back, looking at my calendar until the sixteenth (could've been later, I'm not sure at this point). That was one of the original set dates. Then I remember hearing a lot of commotion when I was in a GameStop and they were talking about Infinite. I chimed in as told them how excited I was for the game to come out soon and to my dismay, I was shut down. The so called GameStop geniuses looked at me like I was stupid and completely blocked out from the news and that I was insane for actually thinking that my beloved Irrational Games would put out what I'd hoped to be the best Bioshock yet, on time. With two more date changes, I was ready to throw away all hopes I'd had of ever getting my hands on Infinite. But thank the gaming Gods, the date was finally secured and locked in. 

March 26th at 9:00 AM, a package was at my door. I opened it up and tears welled in my eyes as I saw the gleaming plastic casing that held my sweet, premium edition Bioshock Infinite. I held it close to me that finally I was able to play as Booker Dewitt and actually understand what this game was about. I played with all of the little extras for a while and then popped the game in. It was glorious. The opening scene, or the "Press Start" clip I should say, made me cry. The music was already perfect, the graphics, just in the opening scene alone, were brilliant, and I was so ready to have my mind blown by the glory that was Columbia, and it did not disappoint.

From the beginning you're thrown into a familiar dark place. You, as Booker, are taken out to a dock where you're supposed to enter a light house to "get the girl and wipe away the debt" (don't forget that line, it's really important!) Inside the lighthouse, you're greeted by a dead body with a sack over it's head and thats how you know you're back in the world of Bioshock. You stumble upon this pod thing, kind of like when you enter Rapture for the first time, and all of the memories came flooding back. 

I won't give away too much about the game, but those avid gamers probably already knew that you enter the world of Columbia, a place so strewn with political and religious brainwashing and everyone is a devotee of the "Prophet" or Comstock. I think the political backing of the games is actually really interesting. It's a compete branch off of the founding fathers and how this land in the sky completely tore away from the "sodom below". It really adds a new element to the game as a whole. The same with religion; you get some of that from Bioshock 2, what with the whole following Lamb, but it's not nearly as prominent of a feature as it is in Bioshock Infinite. 

Another interesting aspect about the political problems are the anarchist group called the Vox Populi. Lead by Daisy Fitzroy, it's this band of rivals against the Prophet and his reign. They fight to protect the little people, but in the midst of their presence, you learn they're no better than the Prophet himself. It brings about the question of who actually is "the false Shepard"  and who we actually choose to follow in the end. The same goes for the choice aspect of the game. It's no mystery that I'm a fan of "choosing your own destiny" games and there wasn't that many big choices in this game. I've been poking around to see if there are any alternative endings like they had in Bishock 2, but everyone seems to say that there is only one, so with all the choices, you'd think there would be a different outcome. 

In this new world, you don't have Plasmids or Eve, you have Vigors and Salts. The controls are a bit off and it's nothing you can't just easily adjust to. They really did a good job separating the two worlds of Rapture and Columbia and one thing I loved about Infinite was that they still had small little treasures from Rapture. In one sequence, Elizabeth opens a tear to Rapture and Booker says "A city underwater? How stupid." The fact that IG can poke at their own game is so heart warming to me. 

None the less, I promise you the game didn't disappoint in the slightest. If there was one thing I would change, I would have just made the game longer. I felt like it was easier to play through, even on the harder levels, but nonetheless, it was still amazing. The one thing that was so heavily debated about this game was the ending. Just about every one of my friends that played the game all agreed that the ending was one of the most mind-boggling sequences in the history of games. I kind of predicted it coming when you get near the end, but all the same, it was all over the place and will definitely leave you wanting more. 

So I leave you with this, if there is going to be a Bioshock Infinite 2, what would you hope to see out of it? Any predictions?    

Assassin's Creed III : Review and Thoughts on IV

Since 2007, Ubisoft has continually brought us amazing gameplay from one of the most talked about game franchises; Assassin's Creed. We have evolved through some pretty amazing characters and had some memorable moments with the series, and this last month, Ubisoft has announced the official future of Assassins Creed: Black Flag. This release made so many Assassins Creeders, like myself, confused and worried about the future state of the game. In this here post I will help you figure out what the future looks like for one of my favorite franchises by giving you a mini review of Assassin's Creed III and a insight on what we might see from IV.


Again, late on the bandwagon, but as I just finished the game, it seemed necessary to report on III. You literally pick up right where Brotherhood left off. You're still doing Juno's bidding and fighting the forces that are the Templars. In ACIII, you're introduced to a whole new character since Ezio's death in Revelations, and as it seems, you play as Haytham, a templar. But before you freakout; you play the rest of the story out as his halfbreed son, Connor (his real name is actually very Native American, I just cannot type that out). Connor learns the ways of the Assassin from this old black man who mysteriously lives FOREVER (when you find him, he's already ancient and then DECADES pass and he's still there. How.) Regardless, you're finally able to fight the good fight and you're off to pursue your destiny. 

You have this internal struggle with Connor. What he thinks is right and what he's told is right. I think the aspect of Connor that I loved was that he was so naive. He really fought from his gut feelings and was just instructed to act as such and under different circumstances. Connor's mother was killed by Charles Lee, your true and ultimate villain in the game aside from your father, and regardless of what the situation be, he keeps reverting back to what he swore he would always do; kill Lee. You see a lot of this naive attitude in Assassin's Creed II when you first play as Ezio. He's very stupid and doesn't think before he acts when he first bares the Assassin's crest but after a few stabs with the hidden blade, he becomes this master assassin. With Connor, I felt a much more relatable connection with his character because throughout the story, he still was this young, fragil kid who had just witnessed his mother's death. He had faults and made so many mistakes and yet it made him all the more appealing to me. 

The gameplay is also a lot different from past AC games. The layout of your homescreen and playing screen is completely new and the weapon choice is also been upgraded with the times. Speaking of times, you're in the time period of George Washington's rule as a commander in the war and, very true to Assassin's Creed style, you bump into quite a few famous men of history along the way. The gameplay is very easy to adjust to but its is a fresh change of pace. One obviously needed since you just spent all of your past games over in Europe.
The game leaves off on a very strange note, however. Not giving away too much, but you listen to Juno's instructions as you unlock the chamber she's been trapped in. You touch this glowing orb and set her free even though you are told that this will ultimately destroy the Earth with a chance of revival for humans. Desmond, stuck between a rock and a hard place, touches the ball of energy and is knocked out and thats it. Through the credits you see news clips that show just what was predicted proving that the world will end and you can't help but feel like all you did was for not. I was more angry with the end. I thought that it was an easy way to keep making more games. This is where the dust was stirred with ACIV.
The Future Of AC & What This Means To Us:

"Remember when Assassin's Creed was actually a stable franchise? Yeah, me too." - Person on Facebook
Person on Facebook makes a lot of sense. In the beginning, Assassin's Creed had such a straight forward plot line. Throughout the games, there is so much weird, twists and now, you're a pirate. That's right. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag brings you Edward, the pirate. I cannot even fathom how this makes sense. I honestly can't. Pirates were before the time period that AC III was just in, first of all, so if we just progressed so far into the future, why are we suddenly backtracking? I would have loved to have gone even farther into the future of America, have seen the Assassin's thrive in this new country, but they wouldn't take that route because that would have made far too much sense. Instead they bring in pirates. I would be lying if I said I wasn't going to purchase AC4, but really? I feel like they're becoming what I call the Infinity Ward / Treyarch effect. When Infinity Ward and Treyarch had their ultimate stand off and then created Black Ops, the game's substance went so far down hill. They became obsessed with beating out one another that they made the games so quickly and A) made a crappy branch of CoD (admit it, the only good thing that came from BO2 was Zombies) and B) missed out on making MW3 the best it could be all because they were wrapped up in this blood feud. Now, I know Ubisoft isn't fighting with another producer, but they're becoming a victim of themselves, feeling the pressure to top the best AC game there was (in my opinion, 2 is the champ) and now they feel like they have to make them weirder and with new handsome characters and as pirates (I'm sorry but I cannot get over the pirate thing). All I can say is, Ubisoft may or may not be digging their own grave here. They should have given it at least a few more months to pump out another AC so this speedy release makes the future of the Creed seem sloppy which makes me sad for the franchise as a whole. Final conclusion: I'll buy the game but my hopes aren't set that high. Side note: Ezio will always be the Assassin's Creed ladies man. Wut r u doin Edward, stahp. 
What are your thought's on the new Assassin's Creed? Do you like the concept? Will you buy it?

Amnesia: The Dark Descent (SPOILERS)

(Warning: this has explicit language in it. Thought I'd be nice and warn you~)

Okay so I know this game has been out for a while now, like I'm pretty sure everyone in the gamer world has some definition of it... but I have to write about it. Why am I so eager to write about it? Because this game, although incredibly frightening, is amazing. And since so many people are afraid to play it or try to play it but only can for ten minutes at a time, I'm gonna tell you about it. I beat the game once, but I'm trying to play it again because I didn't really get a good ending. As a matter of fact, I was so upset at my ending because I went through so much scary stuff that I'm not used to in games, only to have the worst thing happen! Even though I beat the game once, I'm still scared to play it. THAT'S how scary it is (it probably doesn't help that I run everywhere I go in it but you know). Anyway, this game gave me so many mixed emotions. Even though this game scared the living shit out of me, and still kind of does (not as bad), I can't express how much I love it. It got so intense sometimes that I felt like I was in it myself, like honestly I don't think I've ever played a more intense game. That's why I'm going to share it with you, right now.

By the way, this isn't a walk through (because it will seem like it) but it's more of a review/what to expect kind of thing. 


The very beginning of this game starts out relatively slow. However, the menu music is enough to freak you out before you even click "Start New Game" so that doesn't help and you end up freaked out right off the bat, thanks a lot creators. So the game begins after a couple of what seems to be flashbacks. Daniel (you) wakes up in a room in Brennenburg Castle. It's raining outside and there are rose petals coming from the ceiling  at first I thought it was blood, but trust me it's not. The first and only thing you can do is walk around, pick up things, and if you have a ridiculous sense of humor like me, throw them everywhere. You then notice a trail of pink stuff, that kinda looks like Pepto Bismal, so follow it. The beginning of the game is pretty much just tutorial stuff, but even the tutorial stuff is scary, so be prepared for unsettling events. Oh yeah, you have a sanity level. It goes down if you look at monsters, see unsettling things happen or stay in the dark too long (because the creators decided to make Daniel intensely afraid of the dark even though 90% of the game is in the dark THANKS AGAIN CREATORS). If Daniel's sanity get's too low then he starts to hallucinate. Like he'll hear things like children laughing, see monsters that aren't even there, see cockroaches everywhere, and it becomes incredibly difficult to control him. So don't let his sanity get low because when it does it makes the game a million times scarier than the thing already is. You can avoid this by lighting candles with tinderboxes and using your lantern. If his sanity does get too low, unfortunately the only way it'll go up is if you make progress in the game, so the most you can do is keep him in light.

Anyway, after you go through a creepy tutorial you finally come to the end of the Pepto Bismal trail. In that room it ends in, there is a desk with oil for your lantern (the greatest gift you can receive in this game believe me) and note from Daniel to himself. He pretty much explains to himself that he drank an amnesia potion,  forgot everything, there's a shadow chasing him, and you need to kill a man named Alexander. Oh yeah and you also find out that the game takes place in 1839, which was pretty cool to me. So, you know two things: a shadow is after you and you have to kill Alexander. Do NOT underestimate the shadow, I did, like I seriously thought it couldn't do anything to me, but it can. It can and it will and you will hate it more than anything. The shadow pretty much tries to stop you from doing anything and it will get very angry if you make progress. The only way you can see the shadow is the red goopy stuff everywhere, don't walk on it because it will punch you. Yes, it punches you and it's a pain in the ass because sometimes you have no choice but to walk on it. You know when the shadow is angry because the screen begins to shake violently and you can hear it roaring, so don't be worried about it sneaking up on you. As for Alexander, well he sucks. A lot.

After you read the note, you find a lever on the left wall and it reveals a door behind a bookcase. This takes you to the main entrance room of the castle, which officially begins the game. If you go up the stairs, you'll hear a lady scream "NO GET AWAY FROM ME!" in which Daniel turns around and gasps. Don't go after her, because she's not really there. It's just Daniel being stupid and hallucinating. There are two rooms you can go to, but since this isn't really a walk through, I'll save some time and let you figure that out (if you play it). After going through some science stuff, you find your first monster in the Archives. You can't really see it (like all of it just an outline/shadow) since it's far away but it's still there and looking directly at it will cause Daniel to begin breathing heavily and his sanity will go down a little bit. There's no way to avoid looking at it, though, since Daniel freaking makes you. Get used to this because you won't always be able to control him even when his sanity is normal. He also talks a lot. Like sometimes you'll hear him say "Something's coming!" when nothing is actually coming. Daniel says a lot more stuff, but you can look up and listen to all his quotes on Youtube if you really wanna hear him. Anyway, now that I've mentioned monsters, I'm gonna tell you what to expect from these things. Low down on them: they were Alexander's servants in the castle at one point in time. They are also called "The Gatherers".

Okay, LOOK AT THIS NIGGA. HOW DO YOU COME UP WITH SOMETHING LIKE THAT EVER IN YOUR LIFE. When I first saw this guy face to face, I screamed so obnoxiously loud. And what sucks is when you look at it directly, Daniel's sanity goes from pretty good to nonexistent. THIS MONSTER, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO BEGIN. Technically  it's called a Grunt. However, I don't like that, so my best friends (shout outs to Maddie and Madison!) and I made a new name for it: Amy Smarts. So I just call it Amy whenever I see it and it makes it kind of better even though not really. This monster, or gatherer, has really long claws and it can pretty much kill you in two-three hits. Which goes without saying: run like hell if you see it. Or hide from it, which is the best alternative. On the plus side, it's really slow, like it wobbles when it walks! Still doesn't make this guy any less scary.

This monster doesn't scare me as much as the other one. Which is weird because this one is much more deadly. Since it has a long sharp blade for an arm and can move really fast, it will usually kill you in one hit. So it's a little more difficult to deal with, but you don't encounter it as often as the other one which is probably why I don't mind it as much. This monster is called a Brute, but here's what I call it: Brittany. When you're in the Archives, the whaling whimpering sounds you hear is Brittany. I didn't know what it was until I looked it up one day, like I thought it was a whale. ANYWAY- just like I explained with Amy, run like hell or hide if you see it. Hiding is pretty much the only thing that will really work with this one though because like I said it runs really fast and you most likely will not get away.

In my opinion, the monsters are the worst things in the game. Not the shadow, not Alexander, not Daniel's sanity. The monsters. And the worst part? You can't even fight back! You either have to hide or run away! I already mentioned that, but still it's totally inconvenient. The upside is that they're really dumb so if they see you and you slip into a dark corner real fast, they'll get confused and leave. You can also go into a room, barricade the door, and hide in a cabinet. You'll have to listen to Daniel's obnoxious heavy breathing for a while, but you know, what it do. OH and there's another monster you can't see. It's a water monster called a Kaernk. You can't see it because it's invisible and it's pretty lame, but if you're in the water it will attack the shit out of you. This is the very first monster you encounter and it's the first time that Daniel is in significant danger. It's not that hard to outsmart because it's blind, so you can throw books to distract it, jump from box to box and run when you're in the water. The only way you know where it is, is by it's splashes and footsteps. You only have to worry about this guy in the Cellar Archives (a larger one chases you right after, too). 

The next time you encounter a monster, it's one of the legit monsters and you have to be smart. After the water monster shenanigan, you end up in a room which kind of looks like an entrance hall like the one in the beginning, but more lit up. If you go in the Guest Room, a monster will come and try to beat down the door. Close the door and hide in a cabinet until it leaves. You won't see him again so don't worry about him being outside when you leave the Guest Room. Next is the scariest part of the game in my opinion, the storage. The shadow, because it is a jerk you know how it goes, made the storage room incredibly dark. Daniel even notes that it is "strange and unnatural". So dark that not even your lantern can help you much. There are also a lot of monsters that spawn and you can hear a little girl crying and even have a flashback. (SPOILERS) This suggests that Daniel stabbed her to death there. This room was my least favorite part of the game, it was so nerve-wracking and it took me forever to get through because I was so scared, it's almost embarrassing. To sum it up: after the water monster, to me, that's when the game officially starts. 

(The famous Daniel himself)

So, once you get through that storage part, the game isn't so bad. You have to solve a lot of puzzles and you find out a lot about Daniel before he lost his memory. To fully explain: Daniel was an archaeologist and found an orb while on an expedition to Algeria. After he takes this orb, he notices that all his men are being killed. Alexander invites him to a castle in Prussia, which would be Brennenburg Castle obviously, and says that he can protect him from the shadow (that killed his men) there. Daniel began torturing prisoners in  the castle with Alexander, who convinced him they needed Vitae (blood) to banish the shadow and keep it from killing him (little did he know that's not what it was for at all and Alexander was using him for his own personal means). After they ran out of prisoners, Daniel, who was losing his mind, and Alexander began capturing villagers and children to get more Vitae. What made Daniel finally realize that these torturing rituals were actually awful, was when him and Alexander kidnapped a family that lived on a dairy farm. The father was slain by Alexander and the mother and daughter were held in the dungeon. The mother managed to find a way for her daughter to escape and once Daniel found out, he killed the mother and went after the little girl in fear that she would escape and alert the king's men. Daniel found her in the storage room as I mentioned earlier, and stabbed her to death, remorselessly. But Daniel looked down at her lifeless body in his arms and realized that what he was doing. He cried that she didn't deserve to die, pleaded for forgiveness and realized that he was going insane. Not too long after, Daniel realized that Alexander used him and that they had been killing innocent people all along. Alexander only wanted him to help get Vitae so he could do a ritual of his own that would take him to another world. Daniel becomes incredibly angry and drinks the Amnesia potion, so he forgets everything he did and redeem himself by killing Alexander. That's where the whole game begins. You have a whole bunch of flashbacks referencing to all this, so throughout the game it all unfolds. Let's just say, Daniel needs a nice big hug.

When you finally manage to reach Alexander in the Inner Sanctum, the best ending you can get is by knocking down all the pillars which ruins Alexander's ritual. After this, the shadow stops chasing Daniel out of respect and finally leaves the castle in peace. I was dumb and I didn't know what to do so I just stood there like an idiot watching Alexander and then the shadow finally killed Daniel. That's the only way you can get a bad ending, by just standing there. Actually, first I ran around, freaking out and then stood there. So advice: don't be an idiot! It's easier than it seems. That goes for the whole game.

I FORGOT TO MENTION AGRIPPA. You meet Agrippa in the Nave and he's pretty creepy looking. In fact, he's so creepy that Daniel's sanity goes down a bit when Agrippa looks up at you. But no fear, he's actually a pretty cool dude. In short: Agrippa found an Orb just like Daniel and even though he was caught by the shadow, it spared him. He began to work with Alexander who, just like the wiener he is, betrays him and locks him in the Nave as prisoner, where you find him .You can make a tonic that his former student Weyer made, and free Agrippa. You can temporarily take off his head (weird I know but I don't think it's his actual body, his soul was just in it so he wouldn't die of old age) and at the end throw it into Alexander's portal. The shadow will still consume Daniel (and Alexander) but afterwards, if you helped free Agrippa, he and Johann will save you and Agrippa states "You deserve so much more". That's a special ending. By the way he talks a lot but you don't have to stand there and listen the whole time if you don't want to, it doesn't affect anything. I didn't know that when I first played and I just sat there for like fifteen minutes listening to everything and then freaked out cause I forgot about the Shadow.

P.S: The creepy loading screens? They tell the story of Daniel pretty much. That includes the murders he committed and his childhood, pretty much everything.


So there you have it! Almost everything you need to know about Amnesia (with exception of a lot but that'd take forever and I'm really lazy, ya dig). I love this game a lot and it was pretty sweet to write about it. If you read this all the way through, well then it goes without saying that I love you because this took me forever and some of my sanity to write because I had to look up the pictures of those monsters. So if you now want to play Amnesia, I hope you have a fearful time! And I say fearful because this game wouldn't be what it is if no one got scared shitless at least ten times. 

Stay gold, cuties!


Top 5: Favorite Games of My Adulthood

So a while back on my old gaming blog, I did a top ten games of my childhood. I never finished it but it was fun to remember all the old games I used to play. Then I thought about how much my taste in games has grown so much over the past years, especially since I hit my adolescent and adult years. The spectrum of my favorite games grew and I had adapted into new favorites. I decided that it was time to mark up my favorite games of my more adult years and pretty much show you why these games deserve to be in my top five. So without further ado, I give you the first in the series and my number five.

Number 5: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Okay, now don't assume that I'm one of the jerks who sits online all day and screams various racial slurs at one another just because someone decided to camp. No, that's not why I love this game. This game received so much hype, so much hate, and from me, so much love. I cannot tell you how many times I've played this game and how emotional I got during it (don't make some smart comment on girls getting emotional when playing games either). When I first got the game, it was one of the first Call of Duty games I'd ever played. I never played MW1 until I got to a point in the game where I realized "Hey wouldn't it make more sense if I played one and then finished two?" And don't get me wrong, one was awesome. I liked it a lot, but two just trumped it for me. 

Two brought in a lot of things I like about video games. Not only does it have a great plot line, but the graphics on this game we're phenomenal. I hadn't seen graphics that realistic on a game before and I remember the whole time I was like "It's like I'm watching a movie!" The graphics were grade A to me and not to mention the immense amounts of detail they put into that game. At every spot you would see something so minuit and intricate that just makes you appreciate the hard work the team delivers to you. 

Another thing that hooked me was the characters. Ghost and Soap; easily two of my favorite characters in the Call of Duty series  I mean really, the people who thought Woods was the best CoD character were just the same idiots who thought that Black Ops was actually a good game. The allure I had toward the two was just an immediate thing and made playing the game all the more personal. On an embarrassing note, I would get so into the game that sometimes I would talk out loud like I was talking to Soap and Ghost. I would literally communicate with them while playing and going through the levels. Not to mention that I fell in love with Soap considering the fact that he met all the criteria of my perfect, war veteran, sweetheart. Another side note, I cried bawled when Ghost died. That scene where Shepard betrays you and shoots not only you, but Ghost in the face killed me. I sat on my couch, mouth agape for a good ten minutes and then tears rolled down my face as I realized one of my favorite video game characters was just shot and burned not only to die betrayed by a man they all looked up to, but to be left there and called a traitor, completely bashing their memory. It was obviously an emotional, video game moment for me, sorry not sorry. Side note: If you want to see some awesome Soap and Ghost cosplay, these two guys had this really awesome photo shoot of their costumes and you can see that here!

Along those lines, that plot though. The plot was perfect and not completely ludicrous *cough* Black Ops 2 *cough*. The fact that it all seemed so real and you watched as one of the most patriotic landmarks was burned to the ground was heart wrenching to watch. I swear, when you were in D.C., I got so patriotic and started screaming "U.S.A! U.S.A!" as I shot my way through the city that was once our Nation's esteemed capitol. And when you're in the burger place. That level was ridiculously fun. But I think the thing that hooked me was that, in a way, this was all somewhat plausible. Makarov was a brilliant villain and he made everything seem like it could actually happen. And the betrayal  I think that was the one thing that I knew marked this game in my memory. I didn't know that Shepard, who I thought was completely badass, would actually become my enemy in the end. That twist just completely shocked me to my core and I was so amazed and sad that it happened. I never knew that a video game would actually leave that much of an impression on me. 

And on a much more sentimental note, this game did a lot more than just take up time for me, it actually made me become a more proficient and avid gamer. Yes, in my childhood I played so many video games but I was never as active in the gaming world until I played this game. With MW2, I played online for the first time, I made my first online account, I became apart of a community, I discovered one of my favorite gaming websites/forums online and I knew that making video games and creating these amazing graphics and characters and plot lines was what I wanted to do with my career. It completely shaped me as a person and I owe a lot to it. 

So make sure to check back here at exploitgaming.blogspot.com and watch out for the next four of my Top 5: Favorite Games of My Adulthood!

Hello Gamer-Beans

My name is Emalie, I'm seventeen, and I guess you can say I love video games! Otherwise I wouldn't be here because I wouldn't know what I was talking about. But since I do, here's brief info on me:

Things I Like:
- Nathan
- Sleeping
- Biggie
- El Potro
- Smokey the Cat
- Black
- Pop Punk

Things I Don't Like:
- Ranch
- Not sleeping
- Taylor Swift
- Water buffaloes
- Mopeds
- America
- The Westboro Baptist Church

The End~<3

P.S: Shout outs to Dillon and Niggs!

Our First Review! : The Walking Dead

So this is obviously very late on the band wagon considering the Walking Dead franchise has comepletely taken the world by storm for the past two/three-ish years or so. And no doubt, Telltale's "The Walking Dead" lived up to the immense hype. This game was like nothing I'd ever played before. It was a comepletely different gaming experience. And that is the best part about it. The complete and total uniqueness of the game is so addicting and if you'd played even just the first chapter, you'd understand why.


Welcome to Exploit Gaming! This is the newest project Emalie and myself took on hoping to elevate your expectations of your everyday gaming blog to a whole new level. We promise to post, if not daily, but so often that you get a steady feed and never miss a beat on whats going on! Once we get better at this, we will start doing 'Let's Plays!', podcasts, everything you could think of! This is just the begining. So give us a chance and subscribe to our feed, share us on Twitter, Tumblr, or even Facebook! Whatever you do will help us immensely and make this website even more fun to run. Heres toward the future of Exploit Gaming!