Again, late on the bandwagon, but as I just finished the game, it seemed necessary to report on III. You literally pick up right where Brotherhood left off. You're still doing Juno's bidding and fighting the forces that are the Templars. In ACIII, you're introduced to a whole new character since Ezio's death in Revelations, and as it seems, you play as Haytham, a templar. But before you freakout; you play the rest of the story out as his halfbreed son, Connor (his real name is actually very Native American, I just cannot type that out). Connor learns the ways of the Assassin from this old black man who mysteriously lives FOREVER (when you find him, he's already ancient and then DECADES pass and he's still there. How.) Regardless, you're finally able to fight the good fight and you're off to pursue your destiny.
You have this internal struggle with Connor. What he thinks is right and what he's told is right. I think the aspect of Connor that I loved was that he was so naive. He really fought from his gut feelings and was just instructed to act as such and under different circumstances. Connor's mother was killed by Charles Lee, your true and ultimate villain in the game aside from your father, and regardless of what the situation be, he keeps reverting back to what he swore he would always do; kill Lee. You see a lot of this naive attitude in Assassin's Creed II when you first play as Ezio. He's very stupid and doesn't think before he acts when he first bares the Assassin's crest but after a few stabs with the hidden blade, he becomes this master assassin. With Connor, I felt a much more relatable connection with his character because throughout the story, he still was this young, fragil kid who had just witnessed his mother's death. He had faults and made so many mistakes and yet it made him all the more appealing to me.
The gameplay is also a lot different from past AC games. The layout of your homescreen and playing screen is completely new and the weapon choice is also been upgraded with the times. Speaking of times, you're in the time period of George Washington's rule as a commander in the war and, very true to Assassin's Creed style, you bump into quite a few famous men of history along the way. The gameplay is very easy to adjust to but its is a fresh change of pace. One obviously needed since you just spent all of your past games over in Europe.
The game leaves off on a very strange note, however. Not giving away too much, but you listen to Juno's instructions as you unlock the chamber she's been trapped in. You touch this glowing orb and set her free even though you are told that this will ultimately destroy the Earth with a chance of revival for humans. Desmond, stuck between a rock and a hard place, touches the ball of energy and is knocked out and thats it. Through the credits you see news clips that show just what was predicted proving that the world will end and you can't help but feel like all you did was for not. I was more angry with the end. I thought that it was an easy way to keep making more games. This is where the dust was stirred with ACIV.
The Future Of AC & What This Means To Us:
"Remember when Assassin's Creed was actually a stable franchise? Yeah, me too." - Person on Facebook
Person on Facebook makes a lot of sense. In the beginning, Assassin's Creed had such a straight forward plot line. Throughout the games, there is so much weird, twists and now, you're a pirate. That's right. Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag brings you Edward, the pirate. I cannot even fathom how this makes sense. I honestly can't. Pirates were before the time period that AC III was just in, first of all, so if we just progressed so far into the future, why are we suddenly backtracking? I would have loved to have gone even farther into the future of America, have seen the Assassin's thrive in this new country, but they wouldn't take that route because that would have made far too much sense. Instead they bring in pirates. I would be lying if I said I wasn't going to purchase AC4, but really? I feel like they're becoming what I call the Infinity Ward / Treyarch effect. When Infinity Ward and Treyarch had their ultimate stand off and then created Black Ops, the game's substance went so far down hill. They became obsessed with beating out one another that they made the games so quickly and A) made a crappy branch of CoD (admit it, the only good thing that came from BO2 was Zombies) and B) missed out on making MW3 the best it could be all because they were wrapped up in this blood feud. Now, I know Ubisoft isn't fighting with another producer, but they're becoming a victim of themselves, feeling the pressure to top the best AC game there was (in my opinion, 2 is the champ) and now they feel like they have to make them weirder and with new handsome characters and as pirates (I'm sorry but I cannot get over the pirate thing). All I can say is, Ubisoft may or may not be digging their own grave here. They should have given it at least a few more months to pump out another AC so this speedy release makes the future of the Creed seem sloppy which makes me sad for the franchise as a whole. Final conclusion: I'll buy the game but my hopes aren't set that high. Side note: Ezio will always be the Assassin's Creed ladies man. Wut r u doin Edward, stahp.
What are your thought's on the new Assassin's Creed? Do you like the concept? Will you buy it?
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