First Impressions: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Years ago, when I was on the CoD bandwagon, I was so easily impressed by anything the franchise would push out. Because I was younger and had no clue that a video game didn't just have to have a pretty simple plot with a super straightforward type of game play, I thought that Call of Duty could do no wrong and that everything Infinity Ward and Activision pushed out was a beautiful creation of God. Now, I've expanded my repertoire of game play and I understand that first person shooters aren't the most superior beings in the gaming world. After I got into other games, Call of Duty took a backseat. If I'm giving you complete and total honesty here, I never even played Black Ops II or Ghosts. I was so far gone from the franchise at that point that I didn't even rent them out at the very least. But since the new game was a "some type of warfare" and because of Kevin Spacey, I decided to give it a shot.

Kicking this first impressions off, we're going to go by looks. Because this was one of the first games I did play on PS4, the graphics we're pretty insane. Every aspect of it just blew my mind with how smooth it was, the amount of depth in character's faces, even the trash on the ground was impressive. I did notice a few laggy bits here and there and maybe a glitch or two but it wasn't like any of the Assassin's Creed Unity bugs.

Sorry Ubisoft 

The detail in this game, especially with the weaponry and maps was a solid five out of five stars in my book.

Now onto actual gameplay. The game's campaign isn't too bad coming from the last few disappointments. It was new, it was fresh, and it wasn't as confusing as hell compared to it's brother Black Ops II (yes, that's a Black Ops dig, and yes, you're lying to yourself if you honestly thought it was a good game). I'm assuming they're going to keep running with the Advanced Warfare if they go along the same path as Modern Warfare so hopefully they don't beat it into the ground until it's just up to the middle school/high school fan boys to keep up with the franchise. The plot twist, no spoilers, was decent, kind of mirrored the plot twist in MW2 which I was pretty disappointing in because, honestly, I really did predict it from the beginning. Overall gameplay gets three and a half stars.

So, for the category that pretty much everyone only really cares about, online multiplayer. To keep it one hundred with everyone, the multiplayer is insanely addictive and so much fun. The amount that they have changed in it since Mod. Warfare days is incredible. The amount of upgrades, the different weapons, even the loot that you can get just keeps making you log onto the servers to pound some campers into the ground. Whenever I first got online, I felt like a fish out of water. Last time I had played online was probably MW3 and in the gaming world, that was centuries ago. But the new updates and upgrades have completely changed the online game for me and made it so much more enjoyable than those of the past. I now am currently at a solid level 13 with the Obsidian Steel gun that I managed to get out of sheer luck in a loot sack so I will more than likely be wasting a lot more time in the PSN online world. Online multiplayer, easily five out of five stars.

If you're like I was and you're on the fence with picking up Advanced Warfare, I will honestly say, campaign wise, it's not too far off from Modern Warfare days and that if you're purely playing it for campaign (why even though) than maybe just rent he game from Redbox or something. But if you're interested in the online aspect, than most definitely I recommend the game. Overall the game gets four out of five Kevin Spaceys.

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